Discover the 5 traits of a money magnet media buyer
Transform your new hires into sales-winning dynamite. Explode your revenue. Lower your ad spend. HemonX shows you how.
Hot Tips For Hiring A Media Buyer
Recruiting is tough. But it doesn’t have to be.
You see, high-ROI media buying is a science . . . not a blindfolded shootout with the competition! Our media buyers at HemonX slay it — day in and day out — scoring our clients absurdly high ROAS on over $5M of monthly spend.
How, you might ask? Because OUR media buyers use our proprietary systems . . . and the 5 “Money Magnet” skills listed below.
Stop Shooting in the Dark – Steal the Secrets of Top-Dollar Media Buyers
What if, after hiring a media buyer badass (or training your own), EVERYTHING in your business changed for the better because you had more revenue? Every ad would outperform the last. Every campaign would cost you less . . . or Earn. You. More.
You’d have the confidence to scale without breaking your paid ad systems . . . and the extra profits would pile up at the bottom of your balance sheet.
That being said, Here are 5 Hot Tips For Hiring a Media Buyer
Find a HemonX-level media buyer with these 5 skills (and never worry about marketing recruiting again!):
Hire a Media Buyer Who Has the 30,000-Foot View
Your team needs to build a comprehensive media plan — not a collection of “ninja hacks” and one-off tricks. Because if your system isn’t firing on all cylinders, you’re burning up your profit margin. So get a media buyer who can:
- Identify the most effective channels for YOUR business — rather than cough up a bunch of generic recommendations. Your business’s needs — and strategy — are unique.
- Utilize tactics that are working NOW (not two years ago) — and they’ll track and measure every campaign for iterative improvements . . . because . . . duh. If you don’t measure it like a scientist, it won’t grow.
- Align with your target audience to meet YOUR goals. It’s all about the audience. Good media buyers know how to connect your product with their pain points.
Find a Media Buyer with People Skills in Spades
Media buying is about relationships. Your ad spending isn’t a transactional affair. Your media buyers need hardcore soft skills to:
- Create lasting relationships with media outlets and vendors. Building these strong connections will get you the best placements.
- Negotiate skillfully for lower rates. (Most biz owners don’t realize discounts are ALWAYS possible.)
- Use sales tactics to build unbreakable rapport with other industry professionals — so you get better ROAS in the long term.
Get a Media Buyer with Industry-Specific Expertise
Service-based businesses have different advertising needs than eComm stores . . . obviously. And every niche is unique. Recruiting a media buyer with expertise in YOUR industry means they’ll:
- Hit the ground running and know exactly what to do with your ad budget.
- Have recommendations based on the competitive landscape in your niche and industry
- Understand your customers, your goals, your challenges — and how you can succeed on every platform
Recruit a Media Buyer with a Proven Track Record
Your results are your resume. And if you’re hiring a media buyer without a track record, you’ll want to invest in training — or suffer some pricey consequences. The best media buyers will have:
- ROAS numbers north of 3:1 — with detailed information about the campaign, goals, spending, timeline, and revenue.
- Testimonials from biz owners in your industry, who’ve solved YOUR problems and achieved the outcomes YOU want.
- Consistency. And lots of wins. Even a blind squirrel can find a nut once or twice.
Hire an Ad Buying Expert Who Communicates Well
Hard numbers and deep strategy are great but . . . when it’s game time, execution counts! That means communication. So your media buyer MUST::
- Convey your goals and objectives to media outlets effectively . . . so you get the service and high-revenue outcomes you need.
- Keep you up to speed on what’s happening and how they’re adjusting campaigns.
- Maintain professional communications with multiple parties — just like a salesperson would. Your media buyer is a representative of your brand. How they present themselves determines who you are as a company.
Time Is Money
All of the information above is accurate and useful. If you follow those pieces of advice, you’ll no doubt end up with a winning media buyer that you can use to help grow your company. But finding and/or training them? That’s time consuming, frustrating work. Why not let us handle it?
If you’d like to stop playing human resources manager and get back to leading your business, you’ll be happy to know that we’ve created a staffing offer designed to help you do exactly that. We’ll find/source that media buyer for you, put them through our rigorous, proprietary training program, and get them winning in your business in no time. Sound good? Learn more by clicking this link.